Why Am I Receiving 28581 Cash App Text? (Explained!)
Recently many Cash App users have gotten multiple spam texts. The message usually says, “Cash App: xxx-xxx is your sign-in code.” The message from 285-81 asks you to give a number which is your “sign-in code,” and you are willing to agree to the terms.
What is happening is someone trying to scam you! No one from Cash App will ever ask for this code over the phone, on social media, or in any other way. This text is being sent to both Cash App and non-Cash App users, and some people fall for the scam.
Square Cash’s regular cash verification SMS number of 28581 is used by the company to inform clients of any authentication. If you want to change your password, mobile number, email address, or bank details, you must complete the OTP verification.
Let’s go over everything you need to know about 28581, including who it belongs to and why they sent you the SMS.
What is the 28581 number?

If you use Cash App, you’ve most likely received or are receiving messages from an unknown number, particularly 28581. 28581 is the number used by Cash App to transmit OTP (One-time password). One-time password (OTP) systems, as the name implies, provide a means for logging in to a network or service using a unique password that can only be used once.
Websites and organizations commonly use promotional text messages to remind their customers about current hot discounts, password changes, and other time-sensitive information concerning their accounts.
Why am I receiving texts from 28581?
Cash App will send you SMS through 28581 for many reasons. For example, Cash App may send you information about upcoming discounts or new features or capabilities.
You get texts from 28581 because you use the Cash App or someone is trying to scam you.
In other words, they may SMS you to inform you of changes that may affect your cash app account. Cash App also regularly notifies you of new offers.
While this may not have been as crucial in the past, fraudsters are continually coming up with new ways to deceive individuals, especially Cash App users.
You may have clicked on this topic or page because you were concerned about an online Cash App scam. That is, you feared being conned out of your money.
If you receive texts from a fraudster, they will probably inquire about your Cash App account.
If you receive the warning without taking any action, such as logging in or changing your account, you should be wary.
They’ll be looking for your account details, such as your sign-in code bank, and card details. Their data was probably sold online to other cash app victims in high-fraud locations.
Cash App will not SMS you from 28581 until action is required.
If you get the SMS, but your account hasn’t been used, it’s conceivable that someone has your phone number and is trying to set up a phony cash app account using your number, name, and identity.
An apparent recycled number issue occurs when a deactivated/disconnected number is transferred to another person.
If you have a Cash App account, you can contact Cash Support and your Cashtag.
You may also contact them via Twitter and warn them that someone is attempting to put up a scammy account or get control of your account using your phone number.
Tell them if you don’t have a Cash App and get the message 28581.
The Cash App Support personnel may be reached via the app. Select Profile, Support, and Issue from the Cash App main screen.
How to Stop Receiving Text Messages from 28581?

You must unsubscribe if you want the texts to stop. Unsubscribing from Cash App messages is as simple as sending the word “stop” to 28581.
To learn more about 28581, text “HELP” to 28581.
If the message irritates you and you want to stop receiving texts from 28581, text “STOP” to 28581.
At the very least, in the United States, “STOP,” “QUIT,” “CANCEL,” “UNSUBSCRIBE,” or “END” keywords are necessary to unsubscribe people from the campaign that is sending you the text.
However, we do not suggest that you opt-out of getting SMS from the Cash App. You will lose out on important information notifying you about forthcoming changes that may impact your account, either positively or negatively.
Is 28581 Cash App a Scam Number?
No, the number 28581 is not a fraud. It is a valid cash app SMS verification number.
Whether or not it is a fraud is determined by whether or not someone is attempting to gain access to your account. You will get text messages from 28581 regarding your account credentials, such as your sign-in code, bank, and card details, and if these fall into the wrong hands, your account may be hacked and classified as a fraud.
How to know if it is a scam text?
If you do not have a Cash App account and are receiving messages from 28581, it is almost certainly a fraud.
If you are an active Cash App user and receive promotional messages about new bargains or hot discounts, it is a Cash App promotional text. However, you must use caution in this regard. They may occasionally request money or OTP codes from you. In that instance, they are attempting to defraud you.
Finally, if someone is sending you messages to obtain your login information, it is a fraud.
Can someone hack your Cash App with your name?
It is impossible to get into someone’s account and steal money with only their $Cashtag. However, if fraudsters obtain your username, they may attempt to hijack your account and steal money. They will still want your login information and OTP. On the other hand, scammers have become more sophisticated in recent years. They will pose as a customer service representative and request your login information. And if you give them your login information, you’re screwed.
What is a text from 32665?
Facebook’s SMS shortcode is 32665. It’s where you text them when you can’t access your account, or they text you.
Text F to 32665 from your phone (FBOOK). FBOOK replies with a code to type on your PC.
If you see the Allow Friends to Text Me from Facebook check box, choose yes.
32665 is his favorite SMS Facebook status update number. The phone’s k